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Welfare Reform

Through the Welfare Reform Act 2012, the UK government is currently introducing the biggest change to the welfare system in 60 years. The aim is to simplify and streamline the system, to decrease fraud and to create incentives to work by ensuring that work always pays. Over the next five years, a range of welfare reforms will be put in place. There are several components:

  • Introduction of Universal Credit, on a means-tested basis for working-age adults to replace a range of current benefits including housing benefit.
  • Introduction of a single ‘welfare to work’ programme designed to support longer term unemployed people back to work.
  • Reassessment of disability and incapacity benefit claims, particularly individuals’ capability to work.
  • Introduction of a benefit cap that working age people can receive.
  • Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants to be replaced by a Social Fund for which the Welsh Government (WG) will be responsible.
  • Council tax benefit will be replaced by local Council tax support, which WG will be responsible for and local authorities will administer.

Detailed information about the changes and how to access local help or advice is available on local authority websites:

Cardiff Council has prepared the following factsheets which you might find useful:

Cardiff Advice

Cardiff Advice provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination. The service can provide advice on issues including:

General Advice

  • Family and Relationship
  • Employment Law
  • Immigration
  • Discrimination and Consumer Issues

Specialist Advice

  • Welfare Benefits
  • Debt
  • Housing

Cardiff Advice Flyer - Welsh
Cardiff Advice Flyer - English
Cardiff Advice Leaflet

Referrals can be made via:
Telephone: Administration Line - 029 2087 1015

Into Work Outreach Service 

The Into Work Outreach Service provides support to those looking for work including a Job club, help writting a CV and basic computer training. Below are details of the services and training provided, or for further information call 029 2087 1000 or e-mail -

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is working with Cardiff Council, Vale of Glamorgan Council and other partner organisations to strengthen local understanding of the likely impacts of welfare reform and to develop an effective collective response to safeguard and support citizens.

Another useful website for detailed information about the changes is the Department of Work and Pensions.


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