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The Autism Project

This was undertaken to show the efficacy of using SMW when examining children with ASD. Pupils from The Hollies School who were using SMW tools on a daily basis were compared with children from Ashgrove School who hadn’t been introduced to SMW. The study concludes that: the tool appears to be helpful in assisting with medical examinations for children with ASD would be suitable for application to a wide population, enabling more children to enjoy its benefits”.

Read the Autism project here

Pain matters pilot study 

12 week pilot project ‘Pain Matters’. In this pilot we compiled research using SMW and the Disdat tool (which is a tool that measures distress in non-verbal patients.) We had 8 episodes of care in total and out of that we had 1 positive response in locating that the person was in pain and the location. We felt that of the other patients where we used the SMW tool, the tool was equally as useful to demonstrate that the patient was pain free.

Gail ElwellRGN  Ba (Hons) Educ., Health Liaison Nurse (LD - South Gwent)
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan / Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Temporary base:
Alders House,Llanfrechfa Grange,Llanfrechfa, Cwmbran,NP44 8YN



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