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The staff of the Trauma and Orthopaedic department are very grateful for the generous donations received from members of the public.  Every penny we receive is spent by senior doctors and nurses in our department on items and projects that will benefit our patients over and above normal NHS provision.

Your support does not replace NHS funding. Instead it enhances services for patients in the following ways:

  • purchasing innovative, cutting-edge medical equipment
  • providing brand new furniture and other items for our wards and waiting areas
  • helping us invest further in research and clinical studies
  • helping us invest more in our dedicated staff by providing more specialist training.

Examples of how your kind donations have benefited our patients includes:

  • funding children’s toys, furniture and artwork in the clinic waiting areas
  • special signage for patients on our wards allowing them to move around more independently and safely
  • extra training for staff to gain advanced skills to expand their expertise and allow them to further help our patients.

Making a Donation

You can find out more about the different ways in which you can donate on our Health Charity website.

Trauma and Orthopaedic Fund

Cardiff and Vale Health Charity

Account number 10008292

Sort Code 60-70-80

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