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Welcome to the Neuro-Inflammatory Service webpages. Please find below information on the service as well as information for you if you are on DMT’s (Disease Modifying Therapies).

We shall do our best to keep these pages up to date. You can also find useful information here on the MS Society and MS Trust websites.

The way you contact the MS Team has changed

If you have a prescription/MRI inquiry, please ring either Lesley on 029 20748161, Gaynor on 029 21847104 or Sophie on 029 20745735.

If you have a query relating to Day Unit admission or infusions/treatments, please contact our Day Unit on 029 20743280;   

If you have any other queries, please ring your Consultant’s Secretary who can either help with your query or speak to one of the Clinical Team:

  • Carole (Dr Tallantyre / Dr Pickersgill/ Dr Minton) on 029 20745564

  • Relina (Professor Robertson/ Dr Kreft) on 029 20745403

  •  Kate (Dr Willis/ Dr Wynford-Thomas) on 029 21847624

What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease affecting the brain and spinal cord of mainly young adults.

In around 85-90% of all MS patients, the symptoms start with an episode of neurological symptoms called a clinically isolated syndrome (abbreviated as CIS). Common symptoms of CIS and MS are blurred vision (optic neuritis), double vision, altered sensation in a limb, reduced strength in an arm or leg, problems with coordination, bladder and bowel problems, memory difficulties and fatigue.

Relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) could be diagnosed with diagnostic tests (for example an MRI of the brain and spinal cord, and sometimes with a lumbar punction) or with a new episode of neurological dysfunctioning. Those episodes of neurological symptoms may resolve partially or completely (therefore, it is called relapsing remitting).

About 10-20 years after a MS diagnosis, patients may develop slowly deterioration of neurological functioning. This phase of the disease is called secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS).

In approximately 10-15% of all patients with MS, the disease starts directly with a slow decline in neurological functioning, called primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS).

Depending on the form and activity of the disease, treatment options to limit MS disease activity are available Disease Modified Treatments (DMT) & Blood monitoring for DMT   - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (  In addition, also a number of drugs are available to treat the symptoms of MS.