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Consultants Team

Neil Robertson is a Professor of Clinical Neurology at Cardiff University and head of the MS department. He trained at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, Bristol, Cambridge and then the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London. He was appointed as consultant Neurologist in Cardiff in 1999 and subsequently as Professor of neurology in 2010. Professor Robertson leads a research programme in neuroinflammatory disorders of the central nervous system and the epidemiology and genetics of multiple sclerosis. He has served as Treasurer and Advisory Group Chair for the Association of British Neurologists (ABN), and contributes to several research review panels including the MS Society, UK ABN fellowship program and Parkinson’s UK as well as to a number of clinical trial management boards and is director of the Welsh Neuroscience Research Tissue Bank.   

Trevor Pickersgill qualified as a doctor in 1991 and commenced his consultant post in general neurology with a subspecialty interest in MS/neuro inflammatory diseases in Cardiff in 2004 having completed neurology speciality training in South Wales. He worked on the European beta interferon in Secondary Progressive trial and the interaction of breathing and swallowing during training. His main research interests have been as a treating/assessing physician in clinical drug trials in MS, and contributing to the Cardiff research outputs on long term epidemiological follow up in MS. He is a Chief Officer (Treasurer) of the BMA and is a Director of the BMA, BMJ and BMA Charities. He was previously a council member, director and Treasurer of the Association of British Neurologists.   


Emma Tallantyre trained in the Nottingham where she completed a PhD exploring the MRI and pathology of multiple sclerosis. She completed her training in South Wales and joined the Cardiff MS team as a consultant in 2016. She continues to share her time between clinical work and research, including studying outcomes in people with MS, and helping to develop national and international clinical trials. She is a medical advisor to the UK MS Society and has recently set up a national network for UK MS researchers to share practice.   

Mark Willis graduated in medicine from Cardiff University in 2006, having also completed an intercalated BSc in cellular and molecular pathology as part of his studies. He undertook general medical and neurology specialist training across South Wales, during which time he also worked as a clinical teaching fellow (attaining a postgraduate certificate in medical education from Dundee University) and completing a PhD from Cardiff University in the field of MS immunology, supported by a clinical research training fellowship from the Wellcome Trust. Dr Willis joined the MS team as a consultant neurologist in January 2022 and continues to have an interest in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as well as MS research. Dr Willis also has a developing interest in the neurological complications of novel cancer immunotherapy.   



Karim Kreft studied medicine in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and qualified in 2015. Jointly with his medical training, he obtained a Master of Science (honours) degree in Clinical Research. He completed his speciality training in Neurology in 2021 in Rotterdam, and started working as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Neuro-immunology in Cardiff. Dr Kreft's research interest is to understand biological factors associated with the disease course of MS, response to treatment and the heritable component of this. He is also involved in clinical trials for (new) drugs in MS.  


Trainees and junior staff  

Across Health Board we have trainee or junior doctors working on the wards and in clinic. These staff are essential members of our team, and help to deliver your care. We also have medical/nursing/physio and OT students, trainee doctors and rotation therapists who spend time with us to learn about living with, and caring for MS who you may meet. Helping them to understand more about MS, helps them to care for people with MS in the future, and may inspire the next generation of MS team. members.  


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