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Breastfeeding support in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

For information, support or advice with breastfeeding, you are welcome to attend any of our breastfeeding support groups in Cardiff and Vale. A breastfeeding support group is a collaborative environment where mothers and partners can share experiences and provide mutual support and encouragement.

Groups organised by the Health Visiting Service are led by trained community staff nurses and community nursery nurses. In addition, there are peer-support groups led by trained volunteers.

Breastfeeding support groups can help with difficulties you may be having and enable breastfeeding mothers to share experiences and connect with other parents.


Seren Team Specialist Breastfeeding Clinics (for babies up to 28 days old)

The Maternity Service’s Seren Team runs weekly specialist breastfeeding clinics for babies, up to 28 days old. Some of these clinics are drop-in (no appointment required) and the Tuesday morning clinic has appointment slots available that can be booked. These appointments can be made by your Midwife, Health Visitor or Seren Maternity Support Assistant (MCA). You can also self-refer for an appointment by emailing

  • Tuesday — 9am to 12.30pm (appointment only) and 1pm to 3pm (drop-in) at Woodville Christian Centre, Crwys Rd, CF24 4ND.
  • Friday — 1pm to 3pm (drop-in) at St David’s Hospital (Children Centre), Cowbridge Road East, CF11 9XB. 
  • Sunday — 1-3pm (drop-in) at Antenatal Clinic, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, CF14 4XQ.


Health Visiting Service-led Breastfeeding Support Groups


Dinas Powys Breastfeeding Support Group (drop-in)

Dinas Powys Library & Activity Centre, Fairoaks, The Murch, CF64 4QN
Monday, 10am to 12pm (excluding bank holidays)



Barry and Vale Breastfeeding Support Group (drop in)
Flying Start Family Centre, Gladstone Road, CF63 1NH
Wednesday, 10am to 12pm



Cardiff North Breastfeeding Support Group (drop in)
St Mark’s Church, North Road, CF14 3BL
Thursday, 10am to 12pm

Specialist Support from the Health Visiting infant feeding team

Parents can contact their Health Visitor for advice and support. Parents requiring specialist support will be referred to the Infant Specialist Feeding Team which runs a weekly clinic and offers home visits.

If you are referred to the Health Visiting Service’s Infant Specialist Feeding Team, you may be offered a home visit or given an appointment at the Infant Specialist Breastfeeding Clinic.

  • Maelfa Wellbeing Hub, Roundwood, Llanederyn, CF23 9PF

Wednesday, 1pm to 4pm


Peer Support led breastfeeding groups (run by trained Breastfeeding Network volunteers)


Penarth Baby Latte Peer Support Group

The Crepe Escape 15 Glebe Street, Penarth CF64 1ED. Wednesdays 10am - 11am.  Please check the Facebook page for further information.



Busy Bees Stay and Play & Breastfeeding Peer Support Group

The Beacon Centre, Harrison Drive, St Mellons CF3 0PJ. Thursday 9.30am - 11am term time only.  Please check the Facebook page for further information.

More information on peer support is available on the Cardiff & Vale BfN Facebook page.


Further Breastfeeding Support:

The National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212 offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it. The helpline is provided by the Breastfeeding Network and the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers

Webchat and social medial support also available:  National Breastfeeding Helpline - Live Chat and Social Media Support - The Breastfeeding Network

Support is also available in Welsh and Polish via the National Breastfeeding Helpline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) – call 0300 100 0212 and press 1 for Welsh and 2 for Polish.

Rydyn ni’n cefnogi mamau trwy’r gyfrwng y Gymraeg (24 awr y dydd, 7 diwrnod yr wythnos) – ffoniwch 0300 100 0212 ac wedyn gwasgwch opsiwn 1.

Breastfeeding Support (Bengali/Sylheti) 0300 456 2421

La Leche League helpline: 0345 120 2918.

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