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ERCP Information Sheet


Fasting Guidelines


Oral medication can be taken at any time with a small amount of water (30ml)

                           1. A consent form must be completed by the ward medical team and include sphincterotomy or stent insertion if appropriate

2. Blood results including a Coagulation Screen must be completed 24 hours prior to the procedure. Deranged coagulation must be corrected.

Please refer the Endoscopy unit anticoagulation and antiplatelet guidance regarding anticoagulation and antiplatelet medication.


3. Radiology checklist to be completed

(Theatre careplan if procedure under propofol or general anaesthetic)

  3. A peripheral cannula must be inserted into the patient’s RIGHT arm or hand (the procedure is performed with the patient lying prone; the left hand is not accessible).



4. Please arrange for the following prophylactics to be administered

Ciprofloxacin 750 mg orally 60-90 minutes pre procedure

If contraindicated please refer to the CAV Antimicrobial Guide for alternatives
  5. Infective status (Norovirus/CJD etc) or contact allergies (Latex) must be communicated to the radiology department
  6. All notes including the medication/observation charts to accompany patient to radiology


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