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Schools Information

Staff training:

The paediatric diabetes team at Cardiff and Vale UHB are able to provide training to school staff so they develop the skills and confidence needed to help ensure pupils with diabetes are well supported at school.

Training is typically required for the following reasons:

  • At diagnosis
  • When new staff become involved in a pupil’s care (eg September @ start of new academic year)
  • In preparation for residential trips,
  • When treatment changes (eg switch from insulin injections «  insulin pump
  • A child with diabetes joins your school
  • In preparation for moving to secondary school


We will offer extensive opportunities for training during September, as well as  ad-hoc sessions throughout the year in response to individual need. 

Ensuring pupils with diabetes are safely and appropriately, supported from staff who have had diabetes training, will help keep pupils’ blood glucose levels optimised.  This will promote their active engagement in school activities and minimise any detrimental effect on their educational attainment.

Welsh government guidance on supporting learners with healthcare needs:


Additional information:

There is a wealth of information online about pupils with diabetes and how schools can best support them.  These are the websites we consider to be most helpful:


E-learning – this free course is extremely useful.  It’s a fully accredited short course (2 modules each taking about 20mins to complete) and you even get a certificate!  All staff at school who come into contact with pupils with diabetes would benefit from this course.  Access this free course:  Sometimes the e-learning link is blocked by IT systems, you can also find the training here:


Websites: useful links about managing type 1 diabetes in a school setting.



Key Stage1&2:

Key Stage 3&4:


 Children and Young People’s Wales Diabetes Network’

Videos developed by the ‘Children and Young People’s Wales Diabetes Network’ to support staff training:

  • Hypoglycaemia - info for school staff

  • Diabetes and Technology - info for school staff

  • How to do a blood glucose test

  • How to inject insulin

  • How to use glucose gel to treat a hypo

  • Safety needles



Individual Healthcare Plans:

All pupils with type 1 diabetes must have an up to date Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP).   If you feel their current IHP needs updating, the diabetes team will be able to guide you on this.  You will need to discuss and agree any changes with the pupils’ parents/guardians.   Any new versions of the IHP must be signed by parents/guardians and all old versions at school must be archived to avoid confusion/treatment errors.


Record keeping/diabetes information sheets:

Please utilise any of the attached record /info sheets to ensure all staff are following the same procedures with regards to documentation and diabetes management.



Contact us:

Please contact us if you have any queries about a pupil’s diabetes management at school, or if you require any staff training.


Paediatric Diabetes Nurses/Dieticians: 029 2184 5435

Sept 2021

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