Guidance regarding medication shortages
Sometimes a medication that has been prescribed for you may be out of stock in your local pharmacy. This can be for a number of reasons such as national stock shortages, a sudden increase in demand for medication, pharmacy stock levels or it might be a medication that needs to be ordered in specially for you.
The prescriber will have prescribed the medication they feel best suits your needs and your medication may be in stock at another pharmacy. We advise you to try other pharmacies before asking the prescriber for an alternative medication.
Please help your pharmacy and your GP practice by making sure you have enough medication by planning ahead and ensuring you leave enough time to request and collect your medication. This includes if you are going on holiday or there is a bank holiday.
We understand it can be frustrating if your medication is not in stock and GP and pharmacy colleagues are doing their best to help you. Violence and aggression against our colleagues will not be tolerated.
Your local pharmacy should be your first port of call, and your Primary Choice, for healthcare advice and treatment for minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, headaches and diarrhoea.
Your local pharmacy is able to do so much more than dispense your prescription medication, they are able to offer advice, treatment and a range of NHS clinical services that are all free from the moment you access them, without the need to see your GP.
You do not always need to make an appointment to see your Community Pharmacist; just find your local pharmacy using the search function below and drop in.