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Single Assessment Centre

The Hays

The Single Assessment Centre provides 24-hour services, with multi-disciplinary assessment of need for single homeless people and will also provide good quality emergency accommodation for short term use. 

Where necessary the accommodation will also allow clients to stay longer to allow them to stabilise and for their needs to be fully assessed. The assessment centre will form part of the complex needs pathway.  There is no time limit set for individuals to remain at the single assessment centre. However, it is recognised that to avoid entrenchment and associated problems, individuals should not remain at the Single Assessment Centre for long periods and that move on within a reasonable timeframe is beneficial to the individual.

The homeless nurse works alongside the team here at the SAC to provide on-site medical care.

Referrals to the Single Assessment Centre

The referrals are conducted as follow:

  • An Initial screening by the assessment officer should indicate a person with high support / complex needs
  • A discussion is then taken place with the Senior Assessment and Support Officer as to the appropriateness of the referral to the Single Assessment Centre
  • Once agreement has been reached that placement is suitable then accommodation staff to be notified of referral

Arrival at the Single Assessment Centre

On arrival at the Single Assessment Centre:

  • They are warmly welcomed and receive a positive induction and booking in from accommodation staff.
  • As part of the booking in process, accommodation staff will make clear to them the purpose of them being at the SAC and stress the importance of engagement with their Complex Needs Case Coordinator (CNCC worker) and the short-term nature of their placement
  • Once booking in has been completed the Senior Assessment and Support Officer will meet with them and explain who their CNCC will be and what is expected of both parties.
  • The Senior Assessment and Support Officer will reiterate the importance of engaging in the Wellbeing Assessment and the short-term nature of the accommodation.
  • The CNCC will make contact as soon as possible to begin completing the Wellbeing Assessment.
  • The CNCC will initiate the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) involvement as soon as possible where needed.
  • The CNCC will aim to complete and assessment within 2 weeks, however it is recognised that some assessments will take longer due to the complexities of individuals.

Work of the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)

Placement at the Single Assessment will provide an opportunity for service users to have MDT intervention and involvement at the earliest possible time. The CNCC will attempt to refer to MDT once the support needs of the individuals have been established and consent has been obtained.

The MDT clinicians will ensure that where a case has been allocated to them, they will make contact as quickly and as proactively as possible. Where service users have complex needs such as self- harm, suicidal ideation, at risk of exploitation etc then the CNCC will work closely with the MDT members and take their expert advice on how best to proceed.

MDT clinicians will play a central role in the recommendations for move on and for further and ongoing support for each individual at the assessment centre.

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