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Cardiff & Vale APB – Role and Functions

In Wales there are a total of 7 Substance Misuse Area Planning Boards.

The Cardiff and Vale Area Planning Board (C&V APB) is made up of partner organisations that work towards a whole system approach. Together, the C&V APB partners share the responsibility for developing, delivering and improving efficient and effective substance misuse services, to meet the need of the population.

Working collaboratively and towards a whole system approach is important to C&V APB. Individuals who access substance misuse services may be dealing with a multitude of complex issues, including mental health and housing. It’s important to C&V APB that support services have a person centred approach and meet the needs of individuals affected by substance misuse in Cardiff and the Vale, no matter the complexity.

The C&V APB seek to make best use of resources, avoiding duplication of treatment and improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.

It’s also the responsibility of the APB to carry out strategic management of the financial resources used to fund substance misuse services. C&V APB provide high level oversight of the audit and performance assessment of commissioned services for substance misuse, and compliance with the National Core Standards and the Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2019-22 formed by Welsh Government.


  • The University Health Board UHB
  • National Probation Service
  • Cardiff and Vale Local Authorities
  • Social Services
  • Children and Families Services
  • Community Safety
  • National Offender Management Service
  • Police and Crime Commissioner
  • South Wales Police
  • The Third Sector

The APB Support Team

Cardiff and Vale Area Planning Board has a dedicated team that supports the APB in achieving their duties of developing, delivering and improving efficient and effective local substance misuse services.

In Cardiff and the Vale, the APB Support Team sits within Cardiff and Vale’s University Health Board.

The APB Support Team supports services and partnerships to work together to reduce the harms caused by substance misuse in our communities and is responsible for ensuring the delivery of the annual work programme for substance misuse for Cardiff and the Vale.

The APB Support Team monitors the values and performance of commissioned substance misuse services, to ensure they are meeting the criteria and deliverables of the National Core Standards and the Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2019-22 formed by Welsh Government.

APB Governance

The Cardiff and Vale Area Planning Board for Substance Misuse (C&V APB) is required to have a robust set of corporate governance structures in place in order to meet its obligations under the National Core Standards for Substance Misuse.

The C&V APB links in with Cardiff Community Safety Delivery Board, Cardiff Community Safety Leadership Group, and Vale of Glamorgan’s Community Safety Partnership and reports to Cardiff and Vale Public Services Boards, Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board as well as reporting to Welsh Government.

The APB board receives reports and recommendations, both performance and financial, from the Commissioning, Finance and Delivery (CFD) group. The CFD Group receives advice and support from a variety of expert subgroups. Continue below for further details.


Commissioning, Finance and Delivery Group

The Commissioning, Finance and Delivery Group is responsible for developing, driving forward, overseeing and managing the delivery of the APB work programme.

The Alcohol Group

The Alcohol Group is established to improve the population’s relationship with alcohol and reduce the negative effects of consumption in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Children and Young People Forum

Children and Young People Forum is established to share information and best practice relating to Children, young people and substance misuse, and to identify new trend in substance misuse, and gaps/opportunities in service provision, highlighting these to the APBs Commissioning, Finance and Delivery Group.

Harm Reduction Group

To reduce harm to the individual and society from drug and alcohol use, misuse or dependency in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Treatment, Therapies and Governance Group

Provide oversight, scrutiny and advice with regards to current, new and emerging substance misuse treatments and therapies and provide the APB with assurance in relation to clinical governance and risk management practices in substance misuse services for all ages in Cardiff and the Vale.

If you’d like more information on Cardiff and Vale Area Planning Board, please get in touch using our Contact Us page.

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