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FH Family Forum


FH Family Forum Members from North Wales

The FH family forum is a group of individuals and families who are who are affected by FH.
The aims of the Forum are:
  • to provide a network for individuals and their families with inherited high cholesterol;
  • to develop and promote services for FH within Wales
  • to provide a forum for sharing advances in this area.

Join the Forum

Joining the Forum will add your email address to our membership list. This will allow us to contact you with:
  • Details of any meetings or events in your area;
  • New information concerning the condition or its treatment;
  • Information about any campaigns we need to run to maintain or enhance treatment and diagnosis in Wales.
There is no charge for joining the forum.
To sign up please follow the link below and fill in your details, please add the following text to the comments box: 'Join the Forum':
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