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Acute Response Team

Close up of nurse scrubs with stethoscope

The Acute Response Team (ART) is a team of experienced nurses who provide treatment for patients in the community to prevent hospital admission or to expedite discharge from hospital. The team is based in St David's Hospital, Canton, Cardiff.



We welcome phone calls in Welsh and in English.

Main reception:  029 2053 6706 
Main office:   029 2053 6706

Our Services

Intravenous Therapy (IV)

Intravenous medications are administered in our clinic but the team has some capacity to  provide treatment at home for those who are housebound.

This is predominately antibiotics, but also includes other medications which can safely be administered out of the hospital setting. The nurses will assess venous access and advise accordingly if more permanent venous access is required.

We work closely with the microbiology and pharmacy department who provide advice and support. Patients are reviewed weekly in our clinic by the microbiology doctors.

Some patients can be taught to administer their own medication and this is done under the supervision of our experienced nursing team

The nursing team are experienced in caring for various vascular access devices including implanted ports and can provide care and maintenance of these devices.

Anticoagulant therapy


Stabilisation of INR following admission to hospital

Heparin injection:

Administration of daily/twice daily injections and also provide support for those who want to self-administer

Support within the community over weekends and Bank holidays for patients with unstable INR. This would include patients who have replacement heart valves.

Other Services

The team works closely with the District Nursing Service and can provide wound care for patients while they are receiving treatment with ART.

Blood sampling and monitoring is carried out as required for patients under our care



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