You will need to bring your admission letter and any correspondence from your family doctor.
It is essential that you bring into hospital with you any medication that you have been taking . The doctor can then decide whether you should continue to take this during your stay.
The following personal items may prove useful:
Storage space is limited in the ward, so you should arrange for a relative or friend to take your suitcase and any other large personal items home with them. Additionally, you are advised to restrict to a minimum any other articles (including cash) brought into hospital.
You will need a small amount of money to buy newspapers, magazines etc. Otherwise, please try not to bring valuables, jewellery or large amounts of money. If you do have to bring these with you, we will keep articles in safe custody until your discharge, provided they are given to the Ward Manager who will give you a receipt for the items held.
These are often found to be useful to patients and you are welcome to use them.
These may be allowed at the discretion of the Ward Manager, but they should have headphones so that they do not disturb other patients.
Please note that all electrical appliances will need to be checked by a hospital electrician prior to use.
When being discharged or transferred by ambulance, the Ambulance Service can only take two bags of property and no electrical equipment. Consequently, any additional property or electrical equipment will need to be collected by relatives or friends.
The UHB accepts no responsibility or liability for the loss of, or damage to, personal property of any kind, in whatever way the loss or damage may occur, unless deposited for safe custody.