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Specialist mental health services, including Community Mental Health Teams, Home Treatment Teams and inpatient services, have continued to provide support during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will normally need a referral from a healthcare professional to access these services.

The way some of these services are delivered may have changed during the pandemic in order to reduce transmission of the virus and keep you, your loved ones and our staff safe.


If you are already receiving care from your Health Board’s mental health services, you can expect contact with your care co-ordinator or another professional in the team looking after you to be maintained.

Where safe to do so, you will be given the choice of the type of contact including face-to-face, telephone or video consultations, where available. Your Care and Treatment Plans should be up– to-date, with all the relevant support details along with your personalised crisis plans

Inpatient services 

Our acute inpatient wards are operating as usual. However some restrictions and changes to normal operations have been introduced and these may vary depending on locality. Details of these changes can be found in the links below.

Access to therapeutic interventions

Delivery of therapies that were paused during the initial phase of the pandemic have re-commenced, through video technology, and face-to-face where clinically appropriate.



Families and carers



The support family and friends provide to someone with a mental health condition is so important and even more so during the COVID pandemic. Supporting someone who has a mental health condition can be difficult for family and friends, but it is important to remember that help and support is available for you. Taking care of your own wellbeing will mean you are better prepared to support someone else with their recovery. It is important you have access to the most up-to -date information and support that may help you to continue your caring/support role at this time.

Carers’ organisations can provide relevant information, advice and support. They can:

  • Provide you with someone to talk to
  • Inform you of your rights (including advice on welfare benefits)
  • Help to access a carers assessment
  • Help you develop a plan that supports your needs
  • Put you in touch with local carers groups so that you can connect with other carers

It is important that you remember that you are doing your best at this very difficult time, so be kind to yourself.


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