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Our Board


The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is made up of Executive Directors who are employees of the University Health Board, and Independent Board Members (IMs) who were appointed to the UHB Board by the Minister for Health and Social Services via an open and competitive public appointments process. Together the Board, Executive Team and the locality management structure focus on the health needs of the population of Cardiff and the Vale.

The Board meets on a bi-monthly basis at a minimum, in public session. It is supported in the decision-making process by a structure of Committee and Advisory Groups. Dates and venues for the public meetings, and associated agendas, papers and Board minutes can be accessed on the Board Meetings page below. They are also available on the individual Committee pages found on the Committees and Advisory Groups web page.

This section of our website gives you more information about our Board Members and their role in helping us achieve our vision of becoming an international centre of clinical and leadership excellence.


Guidelines for members of the public observing Board meetings held in public.

From 26 May 2022, the Health Board resumed "in person" Board meetings following the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Any members of the public who are interested in observing our public Board meetings are asked to register their interest beforehand by emailing the Corporate Governance Team. You will then be provided with guidelines for observing.

The public Board meetings will be organised in a way that allows members of the public to observe the proceedings and Board discussion, but it is important to stress that these are meetings that take place in public and are not public meetings, which means that those members of the public who join the meeting cannot take part.

In order to manage meetings effectively, no provision is given for members of the public to ask questions during the meeting, however should anyone have any questions, they may submit a written question via Corporate Governance Team at least 24hrs prior to the meetings.

Please note that questions raised by members of the public needs to relate to the business of the Board for the particular meeting in which the question is being raised.

The agenda and papers for the meeting are available prior to the meeting and can be accessed below:

To access the Board meeting page view here


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