No, you will not be asked for your consent – the legal basis for processing your personal data, including sharing, is covered below.
You will be contacted for an appointment at a Health Board site or there may be a local drop-in session which you may be able to attend. The Health Board will need to collect some clinical information about you, if they do not already hold it, such as whether you have had a flu vaccination or whether you have any allergies. This information, and that you have chosen to have the vaccination, will be recorded in your medical record and on the Wales Immunisation System (WIS) held by NWIS.
Following vaccination your GP, Local Authority and/or your employer’s Occupational Health department may be informed. This will assist with their legal obligations to manage your own and other people’s health, wellbeing and safety. For the same purpose, your GP, Local Authority and/or employer’s Occupational Health department may also be informed if you have refused to have the vaccination.