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At Cardiff and Vale, the welcome new joiners receive, is important to us. We understand that for staff to feel engaged, supported and valued in work, a high-quality onboarding experience is crucial.

Building on the success of the Corporate Induction welcome sessions led by Suzanne Rankin and Rachel Gidman, (initially established during the pandemic), the Education, Culture & OD team is pleased to announce that we are reintroducing Corporate Induction ‘market-place’ events.


From September 2023, the majority of new employees will be invited to two different induction sessions.


1.            1-hour Teams Welcome session led by Suzanne Rankin and Rachel Gidman. This session focusses on your role in the organisational strategy and covers 3 people pillars of Personal Development, Equity & Inclusion and Wellbeing. Many have appreciated the opportunity to engage with senior leaders and understand their role in the wider organisation during these sessions.

2.            3 hour in-person Market Place event

An opportunity to attend an in-person fire safety session (that will contribute to your statutory compliance) and interact with representatives from other teams to receive key information and signposting. Amongst others, the topics covered will be Health & Safety, Welsh Language, Sustainability, Corporate Governance & Trade Unions. These events are the same format to Corporate Induction days that were held pre-Covid.


All new staff members staff are strongly encouraged to attend both events wherever possible.


If you or a member of your team are new to the organisation and have not yet been invited and would like to attend either or both sessions, please book via self enrolment on ESR following this guidance

Click here to be taken to Corporate Induction - Welcome Session in ESR 

Click here to be taken to Corporate Induction - Market Place in ESR


May we take this opportunity to remind all staff that it is critical you complete your mandatory and statutory training as per requirements on ESR.


On some occasions staff are NOT required to attend the Corporate Induction Day, those exceptions include:

• Staff who retire from the UHB and return to work either on the same or reduced hours. However, Line Managers should ensure that these staff are compliant with the Mandatory Training modules.

•  Newly appointed Health Care Support Workers who have been nominated to attend the Health Care Support Worker - Committed to Caring Induction Programme. Further information can be obtained be emailing 


For any other enquiries regarding the Corporate Induction events, please contact the Education, Culture & OD Team : Tel: UHW – 47834 or on 02921 847834 or


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