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The Residences Office is situated on the 2nd Floor at Lakeside, UHW and is open from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday, where our staff will be happy to answer any queries that you may have and assist you in any way they can.

Should you wish to contact us by e mail, you can do so at:

We can provide accommodation on the University Hospital of Wales site for the following:

  • Anyone of any grade working within the UHB.
  • Students (but generally only on a short term basis – eg when they are on a placement or course, or during exam week).
  • Locums.
  • Visiting doctors (GPs or doctors from other Health Boards or Trusts who are attending courses).
  • Visiting staff / academics from hospitals in the UK or abroad.

If you would like to apply for accommodation, please complete the relevant application form below, and return it to the Residences Office either by e mail to or in the post to: 

The Residences Office
2nd Floor Lakeside
University Hospital of Wales
Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4XW

Tel: 029 2074 492

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