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Registering with a GP near your term-time address is important to ensure that you can access healthcare and advice if you need it whilst at university.

If you are registered with a GP in Wales, you will also be able to access free prescriptions and NHS Wales services from a local community pharmacist.

Registering with a GP is easy, simply collect a form from the practice itself, or check the practice website to see if it is possible to register directly online.

You can find a practice close to your new address by clicking this link.

To register with a GP, you will need:

  • your town and country of birth
  • your term-time address
  • the address of your previously registered GP practice
  • any recent medical history relating to allergies, medication, vital statistics, lifestyle choices or any diagnosis or ongoing treatment

If you have a minor illness, questions about your symptoms or medication, or are looking for advice, a Community Pharmacist (local chemist) should be your first port of call.

Your local pharmacy does more than dispense prescription medication, they are able to offer advice, treatment and a range of NHS clinical services that are all free from the moment you access them, without the need to see your GP.

You can access advice and treatment under the Common Ailments Service. Please follow this link for more information on the conditions that can be seen under the Common Ailments Service. Contraception services, including emergency contraception and routine oral contraception can be accessed from some community pharmacies in Cardiff and Vale.

Some pharmacists in Cardiff and Vale are also able to prescribe medications for minor health conditions, such as ear infections, sore throats and UTIs without you needing to speak to a GP first.

The Emergency Medicines Supply is also available from some community pharmacies, providing access to an emergency supply of your prescription-only medications in urgent situations.

More information on the services available from your local community pharmacy and how to access these services can be found on this webpage.

Primary Care is often thought of as the ‘front-door’ of the healthcare service; the healthcare team in the community who are your first port of call for new symptoms and conditions.

Your Primary Care team is made up of GPs, General Practice Nurses, Community Pharmacists, Optometrists, Dentists and Urgent Out of Hours teams. Primary Choice has been developed to help you understand which member of the Primary Care team can help you, to ensure you get seen by the right person, in the right place, first time.

Knowing your Primary Care team and how to access them is important, as not all conditions are best placed with your GP.

To find out more about Primary Choice and to meet you Primary Care team, please visit this dedicated webpage.

NHS 111 Wales is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed both online and by directly calling the service for free.

The NHS 111 Wales website provides a range of information on health conditions and illnesses, a symptom checker and guidance on who you can contact for the right care, first time.

You can also call 111 if you require healthcare advice, access to Out-Of-Hours services or access to urgent care, such as the Emergency Unit or Minor Injuries Unit.

If your health condition is urgent, but not life-threatening, then you should phone 111 first before attending A&E.

By calling 111, a call handler will assess your condition and help you get the right help, at the right place, first time. Callers will receive health advice over the phone, and if further assessment is required, a clinician from CAV 24/7 will call you back.

Remember, 999 is available and should only ever be used when there is a life-threatening emergency. So, if it is not a life-threatening emergency, use 111.

If you need urgent mental health support, you can now call 111 and press option 2.

111 Press 2 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is there to support individuals across Cardiff and Vale who are experiencing a mental health crisis, or are unsure of what help is available to support them with their mental health.

The number is free to call from a landline or mobile and is available for anyone living within the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

In life threatening situations, please always call 999 or attend the nearest Emergency Unit.

You can order condoms from Frisky Wales

You can also get a condom card or C Card from the YMCA or call the SHOT team on 02920 465250. 

Call the Sexual Health Clinic Cardiff on 02920 335208. 

Pharmacies provide emergency hormonal contraception, find your nearest pharmacy

Oral contraception is available at selected pharmacies in Cardiff and the Vale

Visit Frisky Wales to find out about the different types of contraception available.  

Getting tested is the first step in protecting yourself and others from STIs and HIV. You can find out more by calling the Sexual Health Clinic Cardiff on 02920 335208. 

You can also order a free and confidential home test kit from Frisky Wales, to test for HIV and other STIs including Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. 

You can call the Pregnancy Advisory Service on 02921 842638. There is a dedicated booking line for people who would like advice about an unplanned pregnancy. You can also complete the online referral form and you will hear back within a week.  

Visit Frisky Wales for more advice about your options and where to get support.  

Call the Sexual Health Clinic Cardiff on 029203 35208.  

Visit Frisky Wales to learn more about HIV

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