It is a vital resource to help those patients who rely on the service and it should not be used by those without a medical need.
Please note that a need for treatment does not automatically imply a need for transport. There is an eligibility process that all patients are required to go through to ensure that your needs are appropriate for the service.
For patients who are found non eligible, there is an Alternative Transport Team that can discuss transport options in your area.
Up to 100,000, Non-Emergency Patient Transport journeys every year result in the patient not travelling or not being at the collection point when our crews arrive.
Cancelling transport, if it is no longer needed, is very important and allows the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service to offer the booking to another patient.
If you are eligible and book transport but need to cancel a booking, please call the number below or visit their website.
For more information please visit or call 0300 123 2303
Click on the image below to download our Non-Emergency Ambulance Service Leaflet