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Vale Community Resource Service

The Vale Community Resource Service (VCRS) is an integrated Health, Social Care and Third Sector Team based at Barry Hospital, working in collaboration with other services across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

We work with people in their own homes to maximise functional independence in activities of daily living (ADL), thus reducing the need for admission into hospital and longer-term Social Services care services. We also offer therapeutic intervention and reablement support to people following admission into hospital, so that the return home can be as timely as possible.  We aim to provide excellent client-centred therapeutic intervention and support. We work in partnership with the individual towards achieving goals that have been jointly identified.

The team includes Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Dieticians, Nurses, Care Co-ordinating staff and Reablement Support Workers (Home Carers). There are approximately 45 Reablement Support Workers who work with people in an enabling way to support the individual in achieving confidence and independence following an episode of ill health. The VCRS Social Workers work with individuals to establish ongoing support needs, linking in with care management teams within Social Services to set up ongoing packages of support if required.

Individuals can receive therapeutic intervention and reablement support for up to 6 weeks.   A client-centred therapeutic programme/service delivery plan is co-produced with the individual and reviewed throughout the intervention process.

The VCRS operates 7 days per week 365/6 days per year. The Therapy / Nursing team operates between the hours of 8.00am – 4.30pm, and the Reablement Support Team between 7.00am – 10.30pm.

VCRS Functions

  • To maximise the levels of independence for an individual through the provision of therapy support and reablement home care.

  • To support hospital discharge 7 days per week.

  • To prevent hospital admission 7 days per week.

  • To work with an individual to encourage them to reach their potential in contributing towards their own care.

  • To prevent people from requiring ongoing support from the longer-term care teams.

  • Provide a high-quality registered domiciliary care service.

  • Mobilise support around the individual through accessing a multi-disciplinary team.

Referrals to the VCRS

  • If you are in hospital the ward team will refer you to VCRS if required

  • If you are at home your GP can refer you to VCRS if needed

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