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Chery Culley


Osteoporosis outpatient clinic consisting of face to face and virtual clinical assessment.

Wednesday 9-5 in the Main Outpatients Department in Llandough Hospital

Also manages patients receiving Teriparatide injections.   

Based in the Academic Building Llandough Hospital Cardiff and Vale UHB

Working in the Main Outpatients Department.

Telephone answer- machine 02921826968



Kay Rowe

Self- Injection Programme (SIP)

Prolia (Denosumab) 60mg subcutaneous injection self- injection programme.

Kay Rowe Metabolic Bone Health CNS

Based in The Academic Building Llandough Hospital Cardiff and Vale UHB

Working in the Main Outpatients Department.

Telephone answer machine  02921826968


Referrals received via letter or email.

A course of six doses of denosumab are administered 6 monthly over three years. The patients are responsible for having a blood test prior to each injection; if the results are satisfactory a prescription for the medication is sent to the patient for dispensing by their local pharmacy. After the sixth dose, patients receive a bone density examination and attend the consultant clinic for review.

Romozosumab (Evenity)

A course of twelve doses are administered at home; after the twelfth dose patients receive a bone density examination and attend the consultant clinic for a review.


Mariyal Devaraj

Fracture Liaison Service

The Fracture Liaison Service or FLS is part of the Metabolic Bone Disease Service based at Llandough Hospital.  The main purpose of the FLS department is early identification of patients with osteoporosis, by targeting men and woman over the age of 50, experiencing a low trauma fragility fracture.  This enables early treatment and aims to prevent significant fractures such as vertebral or hip fractures. 

Patients are identified via a variety of routes including: “trawling” A&E lists for low trauma fragility fractures that may indicate osteoporosis, doctor referral by GP or Hospital consultants, physiotherapists referral, and incidental vertebral fractures via radiology.   The Fracture Liaison Nurse carries out initial screening for osteoporosis and offers a bone density scan (DXA scan) where appropriate. A Falls risk assessment is completed in conjunction with the screening. A patient with osteoporosis may be offered treatment by their GP or may continue as an outpatient with the FLS / Metabolic Bone Disease service.

If you require more information about the FLS you can contact via Ext. 26968. Members of the FLS team include; Professor Mike Stone, Dr Jane Turton, Elizabeth Gadd, Mariyal Devaraj and Julie Jones.

If you wish to refer a patient to the FLS the preferred route at present is via email.  The main contact for referral is



Julie Coombs & Rhian James

Treatment Clinic 

Administration of bone treatments 

Patients attending this clinic are treated Tuesday 8am - 4pm.

We are based in Llandough Day Hospital where we provide specialist intravenous and subcutaneous metabolic bone treatments.

We treat on average 50 patients per week. 








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