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The Alan Richens Unit / Welsh Epilepsy Centre

The Unit's staff are dedicated to providing high standards of care and support to people with epilepsy. The Alan Richens Unit offers a broad range of referral services to people with epilepsy, their families and carers from all over South Wales.


Contact Us





Specialist Epilepsy Nurses

Tel 029 2074 5066


Making Donations to the Welsh Epilepsy Unit

Our research is an important part of our work in clinical practice. We are presently researching the effects of epilepsy drugs on pregnant women, new treatments for epilepsy and the impact of epilepsy on people's lives. 

If you would like to make a donation, the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board account is Epilepsy Development 9598.  

If you have any queries regarding our research or you would like to make a donation, please contact either the Consultant Secretary on 029 2074 2834 or the Clinical Nurse Specialist on 029 2074 5066.

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