Some people in nursing care homes are entitled to receive help with their costs, and the term NHS Funded Nursing Care refers to care provided by a registered nurse in a designated nursing care home. The UHB is responsible for providing NHS Funded Nursing Care for two groups of people - those who fund their own care and residents of nursing homes who meet specific nursing eligibility criteria. We employ Nurse Assessors to help with this responsibility.
Continuing NHS Healthcare (also known as CHC) is a package of care which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals who have been assessed as having a primary health need.
If you’re thinking about making a Continuing Healthcare application, our team provides awareness sessions concerning the process on the first Monday of each month.
If you have any queries concerning CHC or NHS Funded Nursing Care, please contact the Locality Nurse Assessor Teams as below:
Cardiff North and West North and West Locality Building Tel: 029 2183 2546 |
Cardiff South and East Cardiff Royal Infirmary Tel: 029 2033 5980 |
Vale of Glamorgan Ty Jenner |
Please send your completed Continuing NHS Healthcare application form to:
Application E-mail
Telephone: 029 2033 5507
Cardiff South and East Localities
Cardiff Royal Infirmary
Glossop Road
CF24 0SZ
Find out more information about care homes in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, and the role of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)