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Work in Emergency Medicine


Working in the Emergency Unit at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff is challenging, testing but also incredibly rewarding both professionally and personally.


Where else could you say you and your team had received the endorsement of the Office of the President of the United States?

The EU has recently benefitted from a £3.4 million refurbishment project delivered alongside maintaining an onsite 24/7 emergency service for adults and children.

It has provided a newly refurbished seven bedded resuscitation area including a specially designed paediatric resuscitation room.

Staff at the unit are also leading the way in a number of areas. They have launched the Alcohol Treatment Centre – a city centre based triage service taking the impact of alcohol related attendances away from the hospital front door. The project, dubbed the ‘Cardiff Model’ has won national and international praise with teams as far away as Sydney keen to replicate the work.

Innovating and improving will be at the heart of the unit going forward with the recent appointment of a Professor in Emergency Medicine and the development of an academic centre.

The future is bright for the Emergency Unit at UHW – we’d love you to be a part of it.


Major Trauma Centre

In April 2018, Health Boards across Wales approved plans for Wales’ first Major Trauma Network across south west Wales and Powys, with the Major Trauma Centre located at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

The facility will be a 24-hour trauma centre for the most critically-ill casualties serving all of south and mid Wales.

NHS Wales Collaborative commented: “We are delighted to confirm that following consideration of the evidence and the recommendations of an independent expert panel, a formal public consultation and engagement with local Community Health Councils, all Health Boards in south west Wales and Powys have today approved the establishment of a Major Trauma Network for the region.

“This includes a Major Trauma Centre located at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

“This represents a major step forward in improving care for those patients who suffer a major trauma and we would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this process.

“The Health Boards will now be working together to establish an implementation programme which will continue to involve all CHCs and stakeholders.”

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) Chair Maria Battle said: “Today the UHB Board considered the Report from the Health Collaborative which proposes the development of the Major Trauma Network for south west Wales and Powys.

 “An independent Panel of Clinical experts recommended the Major Trauma Centre for children and adults should be located on the University Hospital of Wales site as it is important to have highly specialist services such as neurosurgery and paediatric neurosurgery available immediately if you suffer a major trauma.  This was approved by the UHB Board on Thursday 29 March.”

Chief Executive Len Richards added: “I look forward to working with our partners to develop a Major Trauma Network for south west Wales Powys. We will now need to develop a full Business Case to plan and deliver this for south west Wales and Powys.”

For any informal enquiries please contact

Dr Katja Empson
Clinical Director

Sharon O’Brien
Lead Nurse
Loretta Reilly, Directorate Manager


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