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Text Messages Sent to those on Centralised Waiting List

20th March 2023

If you are on our centralised waiting list for an NHS dentist, and have not yet responded to the text message or letter sent out in January, you will receive a text message from NHS Wales this week.

In order to support us to ensure those who are on the waiting list, still want to be there, we are asking those who have not yet confirmed their position to do so, to allow us to allocate NHS dentists to those who need one in a timely manner.

The text message will come from NHS Wales and will ask you to confirm your position on the waiting list. You will have been provided a unique PIN code that you can use to log into our NHS portal, along with your date of birth to confirm who you are.

If you do still require a place on the list and are still awaiting an NHS dentist, please follow the instructions in the text message received and tick ‘Yes’.

If you do not need to register with an NHS dentist any more or have already been allocated an NHS dentist, please follow the instructions in the text message and tick ‘No’.

The text message, link and information included in the text message are genuine and the text message has been sent to you by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

A letter will also be sent to your home address, outlining the ways in which you can validate your position on the waiting list. These will arrive with patients approximately a week or two after the text message has been sent.

It is important to note that if you do not validate your position on the waiting list, your name will be taken off.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact

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