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Major Trauma Patient Returns to UHW to meet the teams who saved her life

20 Medi 2022

Just after 9.30pm on 18th May 2021, Margaret Perkins arrived at Resus at the University Hospital of Wales following an accident at a popular city-centre restaurant.

Having enjoyed a meal with her friends and about to leave, Margaret left her group use the facilities which are accessible via a series of steps. Upon reaching the last step, Margaret lost her footing and fell. A simple accident whilst out with friends resulted in Margaret spending 12 days in the Intensive Care Unit, eight of which saw her intubated and placed in an induced coma due to her injuries.

First on the scene was the Wales Air Ambulance critical care team in a Rapid Response Vehicle. The service, which is a partnership between the Wales Air Ambulance Charity and the Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS), attends the most serious 999 emergency calls by air or by road.

Quickly assessing Margaret and identifying her likely injuries, they realised she had sustained a significant head injury and gave her a general anaesthetic to stabilise her and protect her brain from further injury. She was then transported to University Hospital of Wales by road ambulance, escorted by the Wales Air Ambulance crew.

Waiting for her arrival at Resus was a team of emergency and major trauma nurses, healthcare support workers, A&E consultant, orthopaedic doctor, surgical doctor, major trauma practitioner and anaesthetist.

Following a thorough handover from the Wales Air Ambulance team and a regimented assessment, the major trauma team’s priority was to stabilise Margaret in preparation for a CT scan. The CT scan showed that Margaret’s fall had resulted in her sustaining a traumatic brain injury and skull fractures.

With such serious injuries, Margaret was cared for by the major trauma team and spent eight days in an induced coma, and a further four days in Critical Care before being moved to Ward B4 Neuro. Once on B4 Neuro, Margaret began her rehabilitation and spent several weeks in hospital before being discharged on the 12th June 2021 to continue her recovery at home with her family.

Over a year later, Margaret, who has since made a great recovery, wanted to personally thank the members of staff who delivered high quality care that evening to prevent further injury and support her along the road to recovery.

“To everyone who looked after me, from the person who called 999 at the restaurant, to the Wales Air Ambulance team, to everyone at UHW from the consultants, healthcare support workers, nurses and porters… you all deserve a medal. Without the care, help and ongoing support from you, I would not have made the recovery I have. Not only did I receive invaluable care, but my family who were concerned for my wellbeing and unable to visit me due to COVID-19 restrictions, were regularly supported and informed of my progress by incredibly busy teams whose main priority is delivering patient care,” commented Margaret.

“I worked at the hospital for many years as a Biomedical Scientist and then a Point of Care Coordinator and fully understand the pressure that comes with the environment. One thing that was clear was every member of staff is committed to supporting patients and ensuring they receive the care they need. There is not a word that is big enough to express my thanks and gratitude to the teams who helped to save my life that day.”

Joined by Wales Air Ambulance Patient Liaison Nurse, Jo Yeoman, Senior Nurse within the Emergency Unit, Lisa Green, Senior Nurse within Major Trauma, Bryony Roberts, Healthcare Support Worker, Jamie Bishop who was there when Margaret was admitted, and Major Trauma Practitioner, Rhiannon Bevan, Margaret took the time to relive her experiences and thank the team for the work they do on a daily basis.

“We often see patients at their very worst and we do what we can to help them while they are with us in the unit. Once they get better, or move to another ward within the hospital, we do not often get to see the progress they have made – which is a good thing, as it means they do not need intensive treatment. Margaret coming in to say thank you is an honour; it is wonderful to see the recovery she has made following such a traumatic injury and to be able to see how well she is doing and hearing stories of her grandchildren is the reason why we all come to work every day and do the job we love, despite the challenges we face,” commented Lisa Green.

Serving the population of South Wales, West Wales and South Powys, the South Wales Major Trauma Network is made up of hospitals, emergency services and rehabilitation services across the region, working together to ensure patients with life-threatening or life-changing injuries receive the best possible treatment and care.

Margaret was one of hundreds of patients who are admitted to the Major Trauma Centre in UHW each year and her story is one that demonstrates the effectiveness of the entire system working together for the needs of the patient.

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