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Dinas Powys Breast Feeding Support Group – Engagement Session

Members of the Community Child Health Team will be visiting Dinas Powys Libraries Breast Feeding Support Group on 11th November 2024 at 10am to discuss future changes to the staffing of the group. 

If you are a mother or parent that attends this group and would like to learn more about the changes, please come along to chat to the team and find out more.

What is changing?

At present, the breastfeeding support group at Dinas Powys Community Library is supported by one health visitor. Moving forward, the Dinas Powys Breastfeeding Support Group will be supported by a mix of trained healthcare professionals from across Health Visiting Service including community staff nurses and community nursery nurses who are skilled in identifying feeding concerns. This builds on the model successfully implemented in other groups.

All staff supporting the group would have received specialist breastfeeding training. They will also have completed a shadowing session before they formally join the rota for the group. The Infant Feeding Specialist Nurse will be available to contact should the staff require advice or need to refer a mother.

How is the change being managed?

There will be a period of time as the new model of working is implemented and the staff that will support the group will be introduced to the mothers and parents before the change happens.

The health visitor that has been supporting the group until now will continue to do so until the meeting on 11th November when a date for transfer to the new team is discussed.

The staff rota will be shared with mothers one a regular basis so that they are aware of who is supporting the group in the weeks ahead.

Can my baby still be weighed at the breastfeeding group?

Weighing babies at breastfeeding support groups was a measure undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the pause in baby clinics and home visits by health visitors.

Now that the fully health visiting programme is re-instated, weighing will no longer happen at breast feeding support groups.

Parents can take babies to their local baby clinic or contact their health visitor to arrange for their baby to be weighed.



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