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08 November 2024

Last month the Supportive Care team won the Sir Mansel Aylward Person-Centred Care Award at the NHS Wales Awards 2024. 

By working closely together, Clea and her colleagues built trust with the Heart Failure clinicians. Together they were able to balance treatment and medication to improve quality of life, whilst also gradually working towards end of life care.

“We changed the name from Palliative Care to Supportive Care, because it was distinctly different. It’s a blend of active ongoing management alongside Palliative Care, all wrapped up in a person-centred approach because there’s no one size fits all.”

The National Institute for Health and Care Research invited the team to participate in a research project to establish what the best approach for end-of-life care is in advanced heart failure. Clea said: “They concluded that a Supportive Care model would be considered the gold standard, and we were cited as exemplar service.”

The Supportive Care team is a small but growing multi-disciplinary team with Clinical Nurse Specialists, Doctors and Allied Health Professionals. In 2022, building on their work with heart patients, they received funding from Welsh Government to replicate the approach for three other life-limiting conditions – advanced kidney disease, interstitial lung disease and advanced liver disease.

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