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Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is already contributing to the goals Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

However, we realise that there is still much to do

We’re asking everyone to think about how they might contribute to the five ways of working to make sure that our services are sustainable, and are having a positive impact on peoples experience today and in the future.

The aim of the act is to enhance the potential to improve health and well-being in local areas; and working with other public bodies and cross-sector stakeholder organisations to strengthen the impact of the Act on health and well-being, including environmental sustainability

We are working to ensure that we;

  •  Think more about the long-term in our work,
  •  Collaborate better with the population, communities and each other;
  •  Focus on prevention;
  •  Act in a more integrated way, considering how the actions we take in one area may impact on other areas;
  •  Involve the people who services are going to benefit.

We are taking a more joined-up approach in order to achieve the Wales we want.

Everyone within the Health Board can contribute to acting today for a better tomorrow in our actions, both in and out of work.

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss your ideas, projects, or get in touch, please contact Deborah Page - and Louise Knott -

Purpose of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Steering Group

Within the Health Board there is a Wellbeing of Future Generations Steering Group, the purpose of this group is to bring cohesion to the UHB’s work in this area, ensuring that the organisation meets the statutory obligations of public bodies as outlined in Shared Purpose: Shared Future 2 (statutory guidance on the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015). 

The Group will also provide strategic leadership and direction to the Wellbeing of Future Generations work.

Objectives of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Steering Group

The objectives of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Steering Group are as follows:-

  • To develop the UHB’s wellbeing objectives (taking into account the Future Generations Report and the Future Trends Report) making recommendations to the UHB Board through the Integrated Medium Term Plan (‘IMTP’);
  • To review the UHB’s wellbeing objectives on an annual basis, taking into account the assessments of local wellbeing published by the Public Services Boards;
  • To provide oversight to the delivery of actions which demonstrate delivery of our Shaping Our Future Wellbeing Strategy through the lens of the WFGA
  • To identify joint working opportunities with other public bodies, including the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, to collaborate on projects that contribute to the wellbeing objectives;
  • To review the content of the draft UHB Annual Report outlining progress against the UHB’s wellbeing objectives;
  • To receive and respond to any reports or recommendations (including examples of good practice) by the Commissioner or other regulatory bodies in relation to the WFGA; and
  • To Act as advocates of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act both within the organisation and with other external stakeholders.

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Steering Group will be chaired by the Deputy Director of Public Health. 

Membership will include the following:-

Deputy Director of Public Health

Director Strategy and Planning;

Director of Corporate Governance;

Director of Communications and Engagement;

Deputy Director of Finance;

Assistant Director of Strategic Development and Transformation;

Assistant Director – Integrating Health and Social Care;

Assistant Director of Organisational Development;

Consultant in Public Health Medicine;

Corporate Strategic Planning Lead

Head of Procurement;

Head of Transport and Sustainable Travel;

Head of Performance and Energy;

Strategic Partnership and Planning Manager;

Engagement Lead; and

Staff partner.


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