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Quality Committee

The purpose of the Quality Committee is to provide advice to the Board with regard to the quality and safety of health services and the experience of patients, including public health, health promotion and health protection activities.
It will also provide assurance to the Board around the UHB’s arrangements for protecting and improving the quality and safety of patient-centred healthcare, thus improving the experience for all people that come into contact with our services.
The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Board & Committee Arrangements

 The Committee will meet on the dates below. To access the Committee papers, select the date of the relevant meeting. If you would like to attend a meeting as an observer, or would like any further information, please contact the Corporate Governance Team on 029 2183 6009 or via email

Committee Chair: Ceri Phillips (Cardiff & Vale UHB Vice Chair)
Lead Executives: Jason Roberts (Executive Nurse Director), David Fluck (Executive Medical Director), Claire Beynon (Executive Director of Public Health) & Emma Cooke (Executive Director of AHPs, Health Scientists & Community Services Development)
Secretariat: Rachel Chilcott (Corporate Governance Officer)
Mike Jones (Independent Member - Trade Union)
Akmal Hanuk (Independent Member - Community)
Rhian Thomas - (Independent Member - Estates & Facilities) 

2022-23 Meeting Dates - All Meetings start at 9am unless stated otherwise. 2023-24 Meeting Dates - All Meetings start at 2pm unless stated otherwise. 2024-25 Meeting Dates - all meetings start at 2pm unless stated otherwise.


Confirmed Minutes

Please click to access confirmed minutes.

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