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Mental Health Legislation Committee

The Mental Health Legislation and Mental Capacity Act Committee (the Committee) is to seek and provide assurance to the Board or to escalate areas of concerns and advise on actions to be taken in relation to compliance with:

  • Hospital Managers’ duties under the Mental Health Act 1983;
  • the provisions set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005;
  • in the Mental Health Measure (Wales) 2010;
  • the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice for Wales;
  • the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice;
  • the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Code of Practice;
  • the associated Regulations.

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Board & Committee Arrangements

The Committee will meet on the dates below. To access the Committee papers, select the date of the relevant meeting. If you would like to attend a meeting as an observer, or would like any further information, please contact the Corporate Governance Team on 029 2183 6009 or via email

Committee Chair: Ceri Phillips (Cardiff & Vale UHB Vice Chair)
Committee Vice Chair: Sara Moseley (Independent Member - Third Sector) Vice Chair
Portfolio Executive: Jason Roberts (Executive Nurse Director)

Secretariat: Rachel Chilcott (Corporate Governance Officer)
Rhian Thomas (Independent Member - Estates & Facilities)
Susan Lloyd-Selby (Independent Member - Local Authority)
2022-23 Meeting Dates 2023-24 Meeting Dates 2024-25 Meeting Dates


Please click to access confirmed minutes.


Power of Discharge Group

The 1983 Mental Health Act sets out procedures for detaining patients in hospital where that is deemed necessary either for their own health or safety, or the protection of other people. The Act also contains provision under which people may be subject to guardianship or be discharged from detention onto supervised community treatment.
The process for considering patients’ discharge under the Act is delegated to the Power of Discharge Sub Group by the Mental Health Legislation Committee. This Sub Group will meet on a quarterly basis to consider whether the discharge processes within the UHB are fair and reasonable and being exercised lawfully.

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