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Good managers know that the success of the UHB and their department can hinge on its staff. But, finding the right number of employees with the necessary abilities and attitudes - and then keeping them – takes time and effort which can sometimes be undervalued, overlooked or simply rushed.

It is vital for line managers to prepare for how a new recruit will be welcomed and settled into their role and the organisation. Failure to do this well can create a poor impression and undo much of the work which attracted the successful candidate to the job.

As soon as the successful applicant accepts the job offer, start to organise a carefully-planned programme to settle them into the role and organisation, so they become effective as soon as possible... and want to stay.  

Induction Process

The Learning Education and Development (LED) Department deliver a 1/2 day Corporate Induction Programme which is suitable for all new employees joining the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB).   

In addition, all employees must receive a departmental (local) induction on the first day of employment with the UHB or when they move to a new work area.  The line manager or a nominated inducting officer will go through the following induction checklist to ensure all relevant points are covered. 

Induction Checklist

Once this checklist has been completed it should be placed on the individual’s personal file.

Additional guidance on how to develop a good induction programme for your new member of staff is available in the ACAS guide Starting Staff: Induction


Local Induction Corporate Induction
Health Care Support Worker-Commited to Caring Induction Senior Medical Staff Induction




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